Have You Been to God’s Night School?

Have you been to God’s night school? You know you have. I certainly have. Too many times to count. It’s the middle of the night and for seemingly no good reason there you are, lying WIDE AWAKE. Even if you’ve had a sleeping pill, fan on, window open or warm milk (I never did understandContinue reading “Have You Been to God’s Night School?”

Is Your Spiritual Reservoir Full?

It’s important to keep your spiritual reservoir full. How are you doing with that? Need a little help or motivation? This is true especially when you are part of the spiritual feeding of others.  Spiritual Disciplines Bible reading, try a daily reading plan. Just four chapters a day will get you though the Bible inContinue reading “Is Your Spiritual Reservoir Full?”

What to Pray When You Don’t Know What to Pray

What to pray when you don’t know what to pray. Honestly, it doesn’t matter. Just let it out to God. He understands. You can talk to God, yell at Him, cry, scream until you’re hoarse, argue (not usually successfully) or even be silent. He knows, He understands, He loves you!!  Jesus has been through allContinue reading “What to Pray When You Don’t Know What to Pray”

In Jesus’ Name! What, Why & How…

Many Christians begin their prayers by addressing God the Father and conclude by ending with in Jesus’ name. This phrase “in Jesus’ name” isn’t some spiritual magical phrase like abracadabra or hocus pocus. And it doesn’t mean we will get everything we want just because we tack that phrase onto the end of our prayers.Continue reading “In Jesus’ Name! What, Why & How…”

Is Prayer Your Steering Wheel or Your Spare Tire?

Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire? This quote from Corrie Ten Boom was the opening question at one of our small group meetings (thanks Lisa). We all paused! And in the quiet we had time to think and reflect. My hesitant answer was yes?!. It sounded a little uncertain, even to me.Continue reading “Is Prayer Your Steering Wheel or Your Spare Tire?”

2019 – How Did That Happen?

Happy New Years!! The older I get, the faster time seems to go. 2018 is now gone, but it was a busy year in our house. I started back to work full time after being out of commission for May and June 2017, on sick leave July to September, part time in the fall. The mostContinue reading “2019 – How Did That Happen?”

Be It Resolved… Welcome to 2018

New Years Day has just past. I usually don’t make resolutions, mostly because I can’t or won’t keep them. As a result of our small group working through the series “Guardrails” by Andy Stanley from North Point Church, I have decided I need to create a set of guardrails as my New Year’s resolution? GuardrailContinue reading “Be It Resolved… Welcome to 2018”

Give in Secret, Pray in Secret, God will Reward

Notes from a sermon by Tim “Tetness” Beckner @ King Bible Church Matthew 6:1-8 give in secret, pray in secret, God will reward Discipline: taking ownership over personal regimen. Not punishment. Always results in progress Is beneficial regardless of your attitude. As long as you follow through with your plan. Giving: vv 1-4; there isContinue reading “Give in Secret, Pray in Secret, God will Reward”

Shag came to pray for Widji

Sometimes you learn things that are very cool. I always like it when someone comes up and says they have been praying for me. This story is like that. Shag (his camp name) has come every spring since he worked at Widji to pray for Camp Widjiitiwin. Usually he sneaks into camp and goes up toContinue reading “Shag came to pray for Widji”