Psalm 23 Explained

Psalm 23 A psalm of David. The Lord is my Shepherd (that’s relationship) I shall not want (that’s supply) He makes me to lie down in green pastures (that’s rest) He leads me beside the still waters (that’s refreshment) He restores my soul (that’s healing) He leads me in the paths of righteousness (that’s guidance)Continue reading “Psalm 23 Explained”

Welcome to 2021! Now What?

2020 was a year for the history books. And not one I’m sure any of us wants to repeat it. We no sooner got 2020 started than we had to change EVERYTHNG we knew about how to work from home, live, shop, wear masks, sanitize everything, communicate and wash our hands (just like grandma toldContinue reading “Welcome to 2021! Now What?”

You Are Here for a Purpose!

What on earth am I here for? Rick Warren inside the dust cover of The Purpose Driven Life says, “You are not an accident. Even before the universe was created , God had you in mind and he planned you for His purposes. These purposes will extend far beyond the few years you will spendContinue reading “You Are Here for a Purpose!”