How Camp Builds Resilience in Kids & Youth

This appeared in a recent blog article by the Association of Christian Schools International called, “13 Ways to Build Resilience In Your Children“. When you can’t write it better, use the experts. 

Tips For Talking To Your Kids About Cancelled Summer Camp

Each summer when you pick up your campers from Widjiitiwin, they are busy getting their t-shirts signed by staff, saying goodbye to cabin leaders and new friends. There is an element of grief for what they are losing when they go home. Many are crying because they don’t want to leave. Camp has become aContinue reading “Tips For Talking To Your Kids About Cancelled Summer Camp”

Everyday Heroes of Camp

We call them summer staff, but to our campers, they are the… Heroes of Camp!! The world needs more heroes and we’re busy assembling a team of  everyday heroes who will serve as role models for the hundreds of campers coming to Camp Widjiitiwin this summer.  By definition a hero is a person who displaysContinue reading “Everyday Heroes of Camp”

Starting a New Decade…

What does it all mean to start a new decade? A look forward and a look back. What are the things you most remember about 2019? The special days, special events and special people (kids, grand-kids, parents, friends, etc.). What are the things you most look forward to in 2020? Some goal setting? Make someContinue reading “Starting a New Decade…”

Our Spiritual Battle

The spiritual battle we fight was initiated by two races created by God – angels and humans. Ephesians 6:10-12 – Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For weContinue reading “Our Spiritual Battle”

Our Approach To Homesickness

Everyone has days or times when they want to be somewhere else. Campers who are new to overnight camp or it’s their first time at Widjiitiwin, it can be a hard time. Even staff we go through homesickness or the desire to be at home more than at camp. Discover how we help your kidsContinue reading “Our Approach To Homesickness”

Fill The Cups Of Glasses Half Full People

What if you could be the pitcher that fills up the cups or glasses of half full people? How could we do that? What would it look like? Is the group you hang out with better or worse for you being in it? Is the room better or worse for you being in it? OrContinue reading “Fill The Cups Of Glasses Half Full People”

2019 – How Did That Happen?

Happy New Years!! The older I get, the faster time seems to go. 2018 is now gone, but it was a busy year in our house. I started back to work full time after being out of commission for May and June 2017, on sick leave July to September, part time in the fall. The mostContinue reading “2019 – How Did That Happen?”

Leadership is like Ripples on Water

The effect of our leadership continues to go out like ripples on water through the people we have impacted. A ripple moves out from the center and the ripple effect is so much greater than the original impact formed.  As a leader, every word you say, every email you write, your smile, your handshake, everything thatContinue reading “Leadership is like Ripples on Water”

Reflections on Widji Summer 2018

Here are some of the great things to celebrate as we have been blessed at Widji this past summer. 42 decisions for Christ 84 Bibles given out Full leadership team with age & maturity (8+ staff over 20) During Royal City’s week alone, 27 bibles were given out This summer we had 328 campers plus 26Continue reading “Reflections on Widji Summer 2018”