The Journey Makes Us Who We Are

J.R.R. Tolkien wrote, “Not all those who wander are lost.” in The Fellowship of the Ring. We’re all on a journey in our personal lives and that includes our journey to or away from God.  Here are a few with incredible stories of resilience. I’ll start with Frodo and Sam as they approach Mount DoomContinue reading “The Journey Makes Us Who We Are”

How Camp Builds Resilience in Kids & Youth

This appeared in a recent blog article by the Association of Christian Schools International called, “13 Ways to Build Resilience In Your Children“. When you can’t write it better, use the experts. 

Building Resilience in Campers

At Widjiitiwin, campers and staff often get scrapes, bumps and bruises. Sometimes they get sick for a day or two. Sometimes they fall and hit their head, arm or butt.  Camp is far and away the safest place for these things to happen to children. Because children are away from home, they adapt and learnContinue reading “Building Resilience in Campers”

8 More Reasons Why Every Kid Should Go To Camp

Why every kid should go to camp: 8 more reasons Camp helps with mental stimulation.  Camp builds resilience. This is a culmination of many of the above benefits. New friendships, confidence, independence, sense of belonging. All of these things contribute to the development of your child as they make strides from being a kid to aContinue reading “8 More Reasons Why Every Kid Should Go To Camp”

Failing with Dignity

New leaders need to be able to practice in an environment where they can “fail with dignity”. Camp offers that opportunity to be coached & grow in new skills. We practice this with our SALTers in our Skills And Leadership Training program. Our SALTers have the opportunity to learn lots during their time at WidjiContinue reading “Failing with Dignity”