A New Fresh Start

2021 was another year for the history books. And not one I’m sure any of us wants to repeat it. I’m sure most of us thought we would leave most of the mask wearing and plexiglass behind. Fortunately, we did get a vaccine, but new variants continue to put so much to the test.  EveryContinue reading “A New Fresh Start”

Welcome to 2021! Now What?

2020 was a year for the history books. And not one I’m sure any of us wants to repeat it. We no sooner got 2020 started than we had to change EVERYTHNG we knew about how to work from home, live, shop, wear masks, sanitize everything, communicate and wash our hands (just like grandma toldContinue reading “Welcome to 2021! Now What?”

Be It Resolved… Welcome to 2018

New Years Day has just past. I usually don’t make resolutions, mostly because I can’t or won’t keep them. As a result of our small group working through the series “Guardrails” by Andy Stanley from North Point Church, I have decided I need to create a set of guardrails as my New Year’s resolution? GuardrailContinue reading “Be It Resolved… Welcome to 2018”