Time to Say Goodbye

It is a sad time for me (Moose). I am saying goodbye to two ministries and a group of people I have come to love and respect. I have packed up my office at MBC, collected a few things from Widji and locked the purple gate for my last time.  The decision has been madeContinue reading “Time to Say Goodbye”

Tips For Talking To Your Kids About Cancelled Summer Camp

Each summer when you pick up your campers from Widjiitiwin, they are busy getting their t-shirts signed by staff, saying goodbye to cabin leaders and new friends. There is an element of grief for what they are losing when they go home. Many are crying because they don’t want to leave. Camp has become aContinue reading “Tips For Talking To Your Kids About Cancelled Summer Camp”

Everyday Heroes of Camp

We call them summer staff, but to our campers, they are the… Heroes of Camp!! The world needs more heroes and we’re busy assembling a team of  everyday heroes who will serve as role models for the hundreds of campers coming to Camp Widjiitiwin this summer.  By definition a hero is a person who displaysContinue reading “Everyday Heroes of Camp”

Thanksgiving 2018

This coming weekend we have Thanksgiving in Canada. It’s the one day or weekend we pause long enough to remember all the things we are thankful for. It seems obvious that we should be thankful more than just one day a year. And we are. We give thank for meals, we thank people for holdingContinue reading “Thanksgiving 2018”

Reflections on Widji Summer 2018

Here are some of the great things to celebrate as we have been blessed at Widji this past summer. 42 decisions for Christ 84 Bibles given out Full leadership team with age & maturity (8+ staff over 20) During Royal City’s week alone, 27 bibles were given out This summer we had 328 campers plus 26Continue reading “Reflections on Widji Summer 2018”

Why Widjiitiwin?

Why Widji is a great question. Why not? Or why not another place or job? I’ve always said whatever job I had needed to have a greater purpose. Maybe you’re like that too. Widji does!!  In some ways we all have our own reason for coming to camp. Some grew up here a week atContinue reading “Why Widjiitiwin?”

Questions to Ask Your Child on the Way Home from Widji

After an amazing week at Widjiitiwin, it’s likely that your camper will be bursting to the seams with fun stories, great songs, and wishes to return to camp ASAP.  The drive home from camp can be a perfect time to reconnect with your child after a week apart. If your child isn’t sleeping on the wayContinue reading “Questions to Ask Your Child on the Way Home from Widji”

National Indigenous Peoples Day

Thursday, June 21st is National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada. Most of you know that Widjiitiwin means fellowship in the Ojibwa language, part of the #Anishinaabe (pronounced: uh-NISH-ih-NAH-bay) first nation, the original inhabitants of the area where Widji is located.  It is said that the Anishinaabe came to earth born of the fifth element, the breathContinue reading “National Indigenous Peoples Day”

Spring 2018 Compass Article: Widji News

Widjiitiwin continues to build meaningful relationships with our partners in the Ignite program, and we will again be welcoming groups for 5 of our summer weeks. This means that campers coming to our open enrollment weeks help to make it possible for these groups to bring campers from communities with violence and risk to theirContinue reading “Spring 2018 Compass Article: Widji News”