What Is It About Bubbles?

Who doesn’t love bubbles? There is something inexplicably joy bringing in the act of blowing and popping bubbles. Whether big or small they always draw us in. There’s something about the iridescent colours as the lights shines on and through soap bubbles.  Usually it seems when there are bubbles around there are usually children (exceptContinue reading “What Is It About Bubbles?”

What Makes You Marvel?

What makes you marvel? To marvel by definition means:  To be filled with wonder or astonishment or admiration. A wonderful or astonishing person or thing.  Things that make you say WOW! Things that make me marvel…  The Grand Canyon (the first sight literally stopped me in my tracks)  An amazing multi-coloured sunset (especially if itContinue reading “What Makes You Marvel?”

Worship Without Wonder is a Waste

When Elaine and I first crested the hill from the parking lot and the Grand Canyon came into view we had an overwhelming sense of awe and wonder. It was jaw dropping, stop you in your tracks, take our breath away amazing (you have to see it first hand, pictures do it no justice).  WorshipContinue reading “Worship Without Wonder is a Waste”