Discovering My Scottish Roots

I have been tracking my family genealogy back to Scotland, England and Ireland. In the process, I’m discovering fun ways to say things as well as idioms or proverbs. Next is Scotland. Scottish sayings and words, combined with that unmistakable accent, can often make English sound like an entirely different language in Canada. I haveContinue reading “Discovering My Scottish Roots”

Oh Bother

What’s the word or phrase that you say SO often that people notice and comment about? My wife pointed out recently that I’m saying “oh bother” a lot recently. I don’t mean to be quoting Winnie the Pooh, it just comes out. I don’t really know why. A number of years ago it was the word, “indeed”.Continue reading “Oh Bother”

The Ultimate Guide to Amazing Devotions

Even I have to admit that the title of this blog is quite a claim. And that’s true. But hopefully it caught your attention enough to read further. I hope you will find some insight to help your walk with Jesus. So, here’s my list: Do them. It seems like a simple idea, but sometimesContinue reading “The Ultimate Guide to Amazing Devotions”

Is a Picture Worth a 1000 Words?

Our society has become so infatuated with pictures as a way to convey everything. Pictures of our food, our kids, scenery, friends, and more… Just check out Tumblr, Instagram, Facebook, SnapChat, Flickr, Twitter and the rest… If a picture is worth a 1000 words, why do we now add words to our pictures and callContinue reading “Is a Picture Worth a 1000 Words?”

Too Many Chorus Repeats

Wrong. You have the wrong attitude. It’s not about you. It’s about God and your worship of Him. And clearly He deserves all our praises. The angels never get tired or bored of worshiping or praising God, never sick of the words, never! We sing hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah and we don’t like it and some people even stopContinue reading “Too Many Chorus Repeats”

Words are Jems by Spokes

Talk doesn’t have to be cheap. In fact words should be considered expensive. Gems to be doled out carefully, thoughtfully considering how and where they land. Talk is cheapened when our actions don’t represent our words helping others to quickly conclude: 1. We didn’t really mean it 2. We don’t really think of or considerContinue reading “Words are Jems by Spokes”