World Adoption Day 2022

Today, November 9th is World Adoption Day. Most of you know that I am adopted. I was adopted at the age of 6 months into the Greenfield family. Since last year’s annual adoption day post:  Elaine and I met two of my birth siblings and their spouses in person in Alberta. The picture at rightContinue reading “World Adoption Day 2022”

Moose’s Adoption Journey

World Adoption Day is November 9th. Check out for more information.  This year was an exciting one on my adoption journey to find my birth families.  My sister Jill came from Texas to visit us in Muskoka. For many that wouldn’t be an unusual thing, though it maybe in Covid times. For me itContinue reading “Moose’s Adoption Journey”

He Would Be 16, But I’m 55

He Would Be Sixteen (actually, I’m 55), but it’s the title of a song about adoption by Michelle Wright. The lyrics are below.  November 9, 2018 was World Adoption Day. This has become an annual blog for me. Check out the other two at World Adoption Day and Jesus was Adopted. Also check out I wasContinue reading “He Would Be 16, But I’m 55”

World Adoption Day

November 9th was World Adoption Day! Check out I was adopted at six months of age. I have had several discussions about the area of being adopted as a child. I have never met my birth parents, but I know some non-identifying information about them like height, hair colour, my birth father worked with hisContinue reading “World Adoption Day”

Jesus was Adopted!!

Jesus was adopted. I hadn’t ever thought of it that way before. That’s so cool! I was adopted too. Coming into the Christmas season, one of the sermons @ Faith Muskoka caught my attention in a special way. Pastor Darrell was talking about Joseph and the role he has in the Christmas story and inContinue reading “Jesus was Adopted!!”