When I Get to Heaven

How many times have you heard someone say, “When I get to heaven…” and then they go on and on saying what they’re going to do  or who they’re going to see or ALL the questions they plan to ask God. There are dozens of songs about it too. I think the focus will notContinue reading “When I Get to Heaven”

What to Pray When You Don’t Know What to Pray

What to pray when you don’t know what to pray. Honestly, it doesn’t matter. Just let it out to God. He understands. You can talk to God, yell at Him, cry, scream until you’re hoarse, argue (not usually successfully) or even be silent. He knows, He understands, He loves you!!  Jesus has been through allContinue reading “What to Pray When You Don’t Know What to Pray”

Read Through the WHOLE Bible in Just 1 Year

How many chapters would you have to read a day to read through the whole Bible in just a year? Well, there are 66 books in the Bible. There are 929 chapters in the Old Testament and 260 chapters in the New Testament. This gives a total of 1,189 chapters (18 per book on average). PsalmContinue reading “Read Through the WHOLE Bible in Just 1 Year”

Be It Resolved… Welcome to 2018

New Years Day has just past. I usually don’t make resolutions, mostly because I can’t or won’t keep them. As a result of our small group working through the series “Guardrails” by Andy Stanley from North Point Church, I have decided I need to create a set of guardrails as my New Year’s resolution? GuardrailContinue reading “Be It Resolved… Welcome to 2018”

Worship Without Wonder is a Waste

When Elaine and I first crested the hill from the parking lot and the Grand Canyon came into view we had an overwhelming sense of awe and wonder. It was jaw dropping, stop you in your tracks, take our breath away amazing (you have to see it first hand, pictures do it no justice).  WorshipContinue reading “Worship Without Wonder is a Waste”

Too Many Chorus Repeats

Wrong. You have the wrong attitude. It’s not about you. It’s about God and your worship of Him. And clearly He deserves all our praises. The angels never get tired or bored of worshiping or praising God, never sick of the words, never! We sing hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah and we don’t like it and some people even stopContinue reading “Too Many Chorus Repeats”